Friday 22 July 2011

Sesso Violento - Pacificador one sided 12"

Black Metal side project by members of Cthulhu Youth, limited to 100 copies released on US label Prison Tatt Records, at the time of posting this they do appear to have some left so act quickly if you like this.  You can get their first unreleased EP as a free download from Cthulhu Youth's blog.  Most of the lyrics are in Italian.

EDIT: I've been informed that the lyrics are actually part Portuguese and only the name is in Italian.

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Curb Crawl

Literally only just found out about this band, kinda Powerviolencey Thrashcore from Leeds.  They have an LP up for free download from their bandcamp

They have a demo tape availiable from What Would Henry Rollins Do? but the band have also put this up for free download

Their first demo is also available for free download from